2005年兰州大学化学学士学位;2008年兰州大学功能有机分子国家重点实验室有机化学硕士学位,师从梁永民教授;2011年日本北海道大学有机化学工学博士学位,导师Norio Miyaura。
1. Jun Ma,Gaoqiang Li,*Yan Qiao, Jingxuan Tu, Sha Liu, Feng Xu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Annulation of 2,2’-Dibromobiphenyls with Alkynes: Synthesis of Functionalized Phenanthrenes and Dibenzochrysenes,Synlett,2015, 26, 1991-1196.
2. Feng Xu,* Yanpeng Liu, Jingxuan Tu, Chao Lei,Gaoqiang Li*,Fe(III) catalyzed enantioselective hydrophosphonylation of aldehydes promoted by chiral camphor Schiff bases,Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,2015, 26, 891-896.
3. Feng Xu,* Chao Lei, Lei Yan, Jingxuan Tu,Gaoqiang Li,*Copper-Chiral Camphor -Amino Alcohol Complex Catalyzed Asymmetric Henry Reaction,Chirality,2015, in press, DOI: 10.1002/chir.22498.
4. Feng Xu,* Lei Yan, Chao Lei, Hao Zhao,Gaoqiang Li, Asymmetric Cu-catalyzed Henry reaction promoted by chiral camphor-derived -amino alcohol with a thiophene moiety,Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,2015, 26, 338-343.
5. Wenbo An,Gaoqiang Li,*Jun Ma, Youping Tian, Feng Xu*, Synthesis of 1,2-Disubstituted Acenaphthylenes by Palladium-Catalyzed Annulation Reactions of Dibromoarenes with Internal Alkynes,Synlett,2014, 25, 1585-1590.